Monday, June 4, 2012

And the ride begins....

By: Jamie

I’m a watcher.  I’m usually extremely aware of my surroundings.  I don’t forget faces.  I’m a dreamer too.  I can concoct some crazy story about a stranger I see.  I’ve always known these things about me, but it wasn’t until I had to commute a measly 3 miles to work on a bus that I began to realize that these people are a part of my life. 

Most of my life bus riding, I should clarify, city bus riding has been novelty.  As a kid it was something I did for leisure when my parents couldn’t get me there or I wanted the freedom, to feel “grown-up”.  For most of my adult life it’s been the same…a trip to a festive where parking would gouge into my budget, easy transportation to a Seahawks game where no DD was needed or (my personal favorite) early morning trip to Pike Place to grab a bouquet of flowers before the tourist crammed every square inch.  It wasn’t until I had to commute bus for work that it really sunk in.  In my 3-mile commute (which I rode for 2 months tops) I realized that I’d see the same people, I began to know where they got on, where they got off, their bus habits.  I began making stories up about their lives…the uptight lady whose house was oh so very tidy, the loud talker who was not liked by any neighboring co-workers, the brown bag lunch carrier who of course was a man and his mom always packed his lunch in a brown bag, so why change now? 

Then in a quick minute my life, or maybe more importantly my budget, depended on me being a bus commuter.  My 3-mile commute became 7-miles.  But again I found myself becoming attached to these nameless people and brining them to life in my mind.  And my mind has been reeling….


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